关于此网站 / About this site
网站域名“WYMium”由我的名字拼音缩写(W.Y.M.)和表示金属元素的词尾 -ium 组成。将拼音缩写音译成“𨱖”(音 wéi,原指悬物钩),由此构成网站名称“𨱖(䥩)元素”。注:字符“𨱖”(U+28C56)位于统一码(Unicode)中日韩统一表意文字扩展区B(CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B),若无字体支持将无法正常显示;对应的繁体字“䥩”(U+4969)位于扩展区A,一般有常用字体支持。
The domain name “WYMium” is composed of the abbreviation of my name (W.Y.M.) and the suffix “-ium” which is used to form the names of metal elements. The site name in Chinese stands for “the element wym”, with the abbreviation transliterated to “𨱖” (U+28C56, in CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B). Note: Since this character may not be displayed correctly on your screen, the corresponding one in traditional Chinese “䥩” (U+4969, in CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A) works in most cases.
This site is related to the subjects of computer sci-tech and the computation in power grids. The contents are mainly about recording, collecting, or thinking on the techniques and knowledge used or learnt during the work and study, or in daily life.
关于我 / About me
WÁNG Yī-míng, majors in Power System and its Automation, M.Sc., is in duty of the development and maintenance of power industry softwares, research and project implementation on computation in power grids, etc.