Category: 软件与工具 / Software and tools

  • C++ 代码格式化方案配置 / Configuring C++ code format

    为了在多人协同下保持 C++ 代码格式(特别是缩进)的统一,避免代码库提交历史中频繁出现无谓的格式变化而使有意义的修改难以追溯,在此给出在 IDE/代码编辑器中保持代码格式一致性的一种配置方案。 In order to maintain the consistency of C++ code format (esp. the indentation) during collaboration, and prevent the frequent meaningless format changes in a repository’s commit history, which may hinder the tracing (blaming) of the actual code changes, this post gives possible configuration for keeping the code format consistency among several…

  • Visual Studio 2015 启动后无响应的原因和对策 / Cause and solution of Visual Studio 2015 not responding after starting up

    针对 Visual Studio 2015 启动后长时间无响应的问题,给出原因并提出对策。 This post aims at giving the causation and providing the solution of Visual Studio 2015 not responding after starting up.