Tag: GeoGuessr

  • GeoGuessr——基于 Google 街景的地理发现游戏 / GeoGuessr: a geographic discovery game based on Google Street View

    之前曾在哔哩哔哩视频网看到几个游戏视频,介绍了一个根据 Google 街景猜测地点的网站 GeoGuessr 。近日再次想起了这件事,依稀记得其中有一个视频是由博主“中国BOY超级大猩猩”发布的,但现已无法找到(经查证,这个视频是在 2018 年 6 月 5 日发布的,已删除)。这个网站目前仍在运行,且已有了更丰富的游戏内容。这里对它的部分内容作简单介绍,并提供一些个人经验。 I have watched several game videos on Bilibili about an on-line geographic discovery game based on Google Street View. It was recalled with vague memory recently that one of them were posted by “中国BOY超级大猩猩”, but cannot be found any more. (It has been verified…