Month: February 2022

  • 艺术的力量 / The power of art

    引言:观冬奥会开幕式有感,暂记于此。 Intro: The thoughts led by the ongoing Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony is written here.

  • 2022 年 1 月随笔 / Jottings in January 2022

    本月随笔涉及:计算机技术(基于标签的文件系统),IT 行业(Windows 质量、Windows UI 材质、元宇宙),金融行业(资本乱象),形势与政策(第五次工业革命、居民小区管理意见的变化)。 The jottings refer to computer technology (tag-based file systems), IT industry (quality of Windows, Windows UI materials, Metaverse), financial industry (chaos in capital), and situation & policy (fifth industrial revolution, policy change on residential area management).