Month: January 2023

  • 2022 年 11 月–12 月随笔 / Jottings in November–December 2022

    本篇随笔涉及:科技(中国空间站、载人登月、中国航天规划),IT 行业(年度开发者调查),形势与政策(康波周期)。 The jottings refer to science & technology (China Space Station, crewed Moon landing, China space program), IT industry (annual developer survey), Situation & policy (Kondratiev wave).

  • 2022 年 3 月–10 月随笔 / Jottings in March–October 2022

    本篇随笔涉及:科技(首张银心黑洞照片、詹姆斯·韦伯空间望远镜),IT 行业(UI 设计趋势、Windows 新版本),技术应用(虚幻的技术中立、网络空间安全),形势与政策(展示帐号 IP 属地、居民消费价格指数的统计),人文与社会(思想钢印、目的与手段、占有劳动力的新形式)。 The jottings refer to science & technology (first image of Galactic Center black hole, James Webb Space Telescope), IT industry (UI design trending, new version of Windows), technology application (illusionary technology neutrality, cyberspace security), situation & policy (showing user IP’s dependent territory, calculation of Consumer Price Index), culture &…