Tag: 中国航天 / China space program

  • 2023 年 7 月–9 月随笔 / Jottings in July–September 2023

    本篇随笔涉及:科学与技术(中国载人登月初步方案),IT 行业(人工智能最适合的一类领域、大型语言模型、技术投资怪状),计算机技术(Dvorak 键盘布局),自然(极端天气),人文与社会(「妥协创造价值」)。 The jottings refer to science & technology (general plan of China crewed moon landing), IT industry (a territory highly suitable for AI, large language model, weird inclination in technology investment), computer technology (Dvorak keyboard layout), nature (extreme weather), culture & society (“compromise creates values”).

  • 2022 年 11 月–12 月随笔 / Jottings in November–December 2022

    本篇随笔涉及:科技(中国空间站、载人登月、中国航天规划),IT 行业(年度开发者调查),形势与政策(康波周期)。 The jottings refer to science & technology (China Space Station, crewed Moon landing, China space program), IT industry (annual developer survey), Situation & policy (Kondratiev wave).