Hard side and easy side of the Chinese language / 汉语的难与易



For many people, especially non-East Asian, the Chinese language is quite difficult, due to the excessive differences between it and their native ones. In practice, nearly every language has its hard side, on which we should lay stress; and its easy side, of which we could take advantage.


The following content demonstrates the hard side and the easy side of the Chinese language in my opinion, which was tweeted on 2018-01-01 (hard side & easy side). It is now reposted here, taken as an archive. (Click the image to check the original size.)

以下内容展示了我认为的汉语中的困难与简单之处,于 2018-01-01 发布在推特帐号上()。这里再发布以作为存档(点击图片查看原始尺寸)。

The hard side of the Chinese language, Page 1
The hard side of the Chinese language, Page 2
The easy side of the Chinese language, Page 1
The easy side of the Chinese language, Page 2
The easy side of the Chinese language, Page 3

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