Tag: 人工智能 / AI

  • 2023 年 7 月–9 月随笔 / Jottings in July–September 2023

    本篇随笔涉及:科学与技术(中国载人登月初步方案),IT 行业(人工智能最适合的一类领域、大型语言模型、技术投资怪状),计算机技术(Dvorak 键盘布局),自然(极端天气),人文与社会(「妥协创造价值」)。 The jottings refer to science & technology (general plan of China crewed moon landing), IT industry (a territory highly suitable for AI, large language model, weird inclination in technology investment), computer technology (Dvorak keyboard layout), nature (extreme weather), culture & society (“compromise creates values”).

  • 2023 年 5 月–6 月随笔 / Jottings in May–June 2023

    本篇随笔涉及:科学与技术(自制扫描隧道显微镜),计算机技术(关于「整洁代码」的争、编程语言的选择、标签系统、年度开发者调查、Linux 中的聊天程序),人文与社会(盖尔曼失忆效应、古德哈特定律、「数字生命」非生命、人工智能的社会影响)。 The jottings refer to science & technology (home-made scanning tunnelling microscope), computer technology (debates on “clean code”, choice of programming languages, tag systems, annual developer survey, chat program in linux), culture & society (Gell-Mann amnesia effect, Goodhart’s law, “digital life” is not life, social impact of AI).

  • 2023 年 2 月–4 月随笔 / Jottings in February–April 2023

    本篇随笔涉及:IT 行业(大型语言模型、人工智能艺术、大型语言模型应用的企业部署),消费品市场(用技术定义的豪华),人文与社会(承诺与当下、人类的解放与奴役、信息差的影响)。 The jottings refer to IT industry (Large Language Model, artificial intelligence art, deploying LLM applications in enterprises), consumer markets (technology-defined luxury), culture & society (future promise vs current action, liberation vs serfdom of human beings, impacts of information gap).