日志 / Blog

  • 2023 年 5 月–6 月随笔 / Jottings in May–June 2023

    本篇随笔涉及:科学与技术(自制扫描隧道显微镜),计算机技术(关于「整洁代码」的争、编程语言的选择、标签系统、年度开发者调查、Linux 中的聊天程序),人文与社会(盖尔曼失忆效应、古德哈特定律、「数字生命」非生命、人工智能的社会影响)。 The jottings refer to science & technology (home-made scanning tunnelling microscope), computer technology (debates on “clean code”, choice of programming languages, tag systems, annual developer survey, chat program in linux), culture & society (Gell-Mann amnesia effect, Goodhart’s law, “digital life” is not life, social impact of AI).

  • 2023 年 2 月–4 月随笔 / Jottings in February–April 2023

    本篇随笔涉及:IT 行业(大型语言模型、人工智能艺术、大型语言模型应用的企业部署),消费品市场(用技术定义的豪华),人文与社会(承诺与当下、人类的解放与奴役、信息差的影响)。 The jottings refer to IT industry (Large Language Model, artificial intelligence art, deploying LLM applications in enterprises), consumer markets (technology-defined luxury), culture & society (future promise vs current action, liberation vs serfdom of human beings, impacts of information gap).

  • 2022 年 11 月–12 月随笔 / Jottings in November–December 2022

    本篇随笔涉及:科技(中国空间站、载人登月、中国航天规划),IT 行业(年度开发者调查),形势与政策(康波周期)。 The jottings refer to science & technology (China Space Station, crewed Moon landing, China space program), IT industry (annual developer survey), Situation & policy (Kondratiev wave).

  • 2022 年 3 月–10 月随笔 / Jottings in March–October 2022

    本篇随笔涉及:科技(首张银心黑洞照片、詹姆斯·韦伯空间望远镜),IT 行业(UI 设计趋势、Windows 新版本),技术应用(虚幻的技术中立、网络空间安全),形势与政策(展示帐号 IP 属地、居民消费价格指数的统计),人文与社会(思想钢印、目的与手段、占有劳动力的新形式)。 The jottings refer to science & technology (first image of Galactic Center black hole, James Webb Space Telescope), IT industry (UI design trending, new version of Windows), technology application (illusionary technology neutrality, cyberspace security), situation & policy (showing user IP’s dependent territory, calculation of Consumer Price Index), culture &…

  • [译] 其他动物如何观察世界?

    原文链接,作者:丽莎·亨德里(Lisa Hendry) 鲜有动物像我们一样观察世界。有的动物只有一只眼睛,有的则有很多;有的动物可以看见大量色彩,有的却只能分辨黑白。 通过分析动物视觉系统的特质,我们可以模拟出世界在它们眼中的样子。

  • Hard side and easy side of the Chinese language / 汉语的难与易

    For many people, especially non-East Asian, the Chinese language is quite difficult, due to the excessive differences between it and their native ones. In practice, nearly every language has its hard side, on which we should lay stress; and its easy side, of which we could take advantage. 对于不少人(特别是东亚地区以外的人)来说,汉语是门相当难学的语言,因为它跟自己的母语差异甚多。实际上,几乎每种语言都有其困难的一面和简单的一面,我们需要着重加强对困难部分的把握,而简单的部分则会带来便利。

  • Proper comparison between English and Chinese / 英语和汉语的正确对比

    It is quite common to find people judging the Chinese language as extremely complex from comparing the 26 letters in English (or the dozens of letters in other languages) with thousands of characters in Chinese, which is not true. 经常能看到有人在说明汉语的复杂度时拿英语中的 26 个字母(或其他语言中的几十个字母)跟汉语中的数千个汉字作对比,但这种比较是不恰当的。

  • Introduction to the simplification of Chinese characters / 汉字简化简介

    Some may mistake that Simplified Chinese is the disruption of the language, since it “forced the change of the long-term stable shapes” and “are leading to the extinction of the essence of the language”. Hence, the true visage of the simplification needs to be presented. 有人误认为简体字是对汉语的破坏,因为它“强行改变了长久使用的字形”、“将汉语的精髓导向消亡之路”。因此,有必要对汉字简化的本来面貌作出阐释。

  • Introduction to SVM / 支持向量机简介

    This post is the presented script of the lecture given on 2020-09-11, which introduces the basics of support-vector machines and its practice. 本文为 2020-09-11 所做讲座的文稿,介绍了支持向量机的基础知识与应用实践。

  • 字符、字符集与字符编码 / Characters, character sets, and character encodings

    本文为 2019-08-16 提供的专题文稿(未开设讲座),讲解了字符(文本)的计算机表示,以帮助理解软件开发中可能遇到的字符乱码问题。 This post is the objective article provided on 2019-08-16 (no lecture held), which briefly explains the computer representation of characters (texts), in order to help understanding the possible incorrect character encoding/decoding during software development.